
中间部门 Helping Others

中学部社区服务的目的是为学生提供了解自己和社区的机会. 该项目培养了一种社会责任精神,鼓励学生思考和欣赏终身致力于为社区做出贡献的回报. 作为人类,我们的最终目标应该是将服务融入我们的日常生活,而不是作为一种单独的行为来满足某种需求. 中学部的社区服务项目旨在向学生灌输一种真诚的社会责任感和感激之情.
On community service days, grade 6 service happens in the afternoon, after abbreviated morning classes. In convocation groups, and under the direction of their convo teachers, 六年级学生步行或乘公共汽车前往七个服务点之一:甜水公园, Perrone公园, Berkeley’s Environmental Learning Center (on Bray Road), Change Makers (an on-campus venue), Sweetwater Organic Community Farm, the Florida Learning Garden, and Water Testing (also on campus). Groups rotate through these venues, one venue per service outing.
On service mornings, grade 7 students attend scheduled classes. 午餐后, 他们聚集成集会小组,每个小组乘公共汽车到指定的地点. 六个场馆组成了七年级的服务项目:Just Elementary School, Feeding America of Tampa Bay, Dover Exceptional Center, Dickenson Elementary, Metropolitan Ministries, and Arbor Terrace (an assisted-living facility). Groups rotate through these venues, one venue per service outing.
每个八年级的学生在年初从几个服务地点的列表中选择,并在每次服务期间在该地点服务. 一个监护人和同学也选择了该地点陪同他或她. 8年级 students serve in the morning. 午餐后, they attend scheduled classes. The eighth-grade venues are Hudson Manor Assisted Living Facility, Hope Children’s Home, Bay Crest Elementary, Dickenson Elementary, Dover Exceptional Center, Inspired Living Memory Care Center, and three Hillsborough Head Start centers.
Dominican Republic Service Learning
每年2月35-40名棋牌游戏平台八年级学生和他们的棋牌游戏平台监护人在多米尼加共和国度过五天, 在雪茄家庭慈善基金会学校进行社区服务. 这所学校位于多米尼加博瑙附近,为周边村庄的贫困儿童提供教育. Our students interact with these children, learning about their lives during supervised school activities. 除了, Berkeley students spend an afternoon in one of the villages, building and dispensing water filters.

每年二月, 15 grade 8 students, joined by 上师 student leaders and teacher chaperones, 去拿骚旅行, 巴哈马群岛, for the 巴哈马的书 service project. 该组织在拿骚的一所公立小学建立了一座图书馆, shelving and digitally cataloging approximately 2,500 fiction and nonfiction titles collected prior to the trip. 棋牌游戏平台的参与者还向巴哈马学生教授图书馆使用课程.

Former 上师 student, Elias Tsavoussis ’16, 作为棋牌游戏平台大学50周年服务学者奖的获得者,他开始了这项服务计划. 伊莱亚斯在拿骚的哥伦布小学建立了第一个图书馆. Sandilands小学和Yellow Elder小学是巴哈马图书计划的后续接受者.

许多书都来自棋牌游戏平台家长协会“分享阅读的爱”年度图书活动. 在旅行之前,八年级的学生将这些捐赠的书籍分类、贴上标签并编目. 上师 students plan the library-use activities. 中、高年级图书管理员负责监督这项校内工作, 他们随后在拿骚指导学生的货架和教学. 巴哈马的书, a cross-divisional and collaborative service project, 这是该校愿景宣言的例证:“棋牌游戏平台让世界上有积极影响的人.”



  • Photo of 加勒特 Rivas

    加勒特 Rivas 

成立于1960年, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.